An inspirational case study for new managers, a shot in the arm for those already doing it. Managers with a technical or professional background can find themselves running a team with little formal training. It happened to TV chef and successful businessman Rick Stein.
In Recipe for Success Rick shares with us what he has learned about managing people. It's a 'bottom up ' jargon-free demonstration of what it takes to motivate and lead a team.
key learning points
leading by example
setting standards
support and development
who is it for
new managers and team leaders in all organisations
'refresher' for existing managers
how to use it
introduction to key management skills
leadership development
trigger material for motivation and delegation training
leadership development
what you get
stimulating video case study (16 mins)
'video chapters' organissed in subject sections
user guide
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I hated delegating... I was even retentive about things like PAYE".(Rick Stein)
Rick Stein demonstrates his recipe for leading a team successfully.
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'Absolutely superb - for our catering people and in fact for all parts of the business' (Criag Hyle, Alpha Retail)
‘Thank you. I had a great day using the video‘ (Vivienne Child, Child Associates)
'Managers, particularly those working in a local authority, are often seen as sitting behind a desk. With the video we can say look at this - this is what you should be doing.'